Reichen and the Outwrite Bookstore & Coffeehouse Staff
I was very fortunate to be asked by Outwrite
owner and friend Phillip Rafshoon to take photos during Reichen's two day visit to Atlanta celebrating his first book, "Here's What We'll Say." The festivities began on Thursday where Reichen spoke at the January 2007 meeting of Atlanta Executive Network (AEN). He spoke open and honestly of growing up poor in a very dysfunctional family. The passion Reichen has for ending the atrocity that is known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was evident in his speach. How badly that policy has damaged the lives of 11,000 US servicemen and women is dramatically illustrated in the book. This book is making some US policy wanks very nervous. It was fascinating to hear Reichen's truth and to witness the affection and support he garnered everywhere he went.

His good friend, publicist, and business parter, Shannon K, invited my friend David and I to accompany them to Amsterdam for drinks, and to Wetbar for the after-party (and even the after-party-after-party in the VIP room at Wetbar where absolutely NO cameras were allowed, finally giving Reichen, Shannon and their friends a chance to talk and socialize
without worrying what might show up in the tabloids. Speaking of tabloids, Reichen confirmed that he and Lance are still very much together, contrary to what the rags had published. Most were completely surprised, and it served to illustrate how easily we are fooled into believing what we hear without question.

It was a fantastic two nights and I had a blast. I hope to be able to take Shannon up on her invite to come see her in L.A. And I wish Reichen tremendous success with his book. I intend to take him up on his challenge to read the book and then pass it on to a straight friend as an
opportunity to enlighten them and encourage them by letting them know of the human rights violations that are sanctioned everyday by our U.S. Military Services, and supported by OUR tax dollars.
Labels: gary s, outwrite, outwrite bookstore, reichen
sorry - I hit some mysterious button and this post published before I was finished... and for the life of me I can't seem to find a way to delete or edit it.
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